Here we are on day two of our Grand Adventure. I have to say, a 24 ft. RV is just a microcosm on wheels. Whew. By the end of today I'd relaxed, rejoiced, refused, reneged, rearranged, repented, just about everything you can think of, and all within 8 hours of leaving our first campground.
As many of you know Cork, Lily and I left San Francisco on September 1st for a three-month RV trip. We have little of it planned. There are a few destinations, but for the most part we're just going. We do have some rules, and they are:
We will all blog (I've linked them here, I hope) but we will NOT read each others blogs until we return from our trip.
We will all .... well, really, I think that's the only rule.
So the things I learned on our first day (or two) that I probably knew if I'd paid attention:
1) Be careful when previewing your Blog post 'cuz it deletes easily, no matter how much time, energy, thoughtfulness and good will you put into it.
2) It takes a MONUMENTAL amount of energy to plan and pack for three months. We went from 2000 square feet to about 175 square feet.
3) Be careful how close you drive to the side of the Golden Gate Bridge when your tailpipe sticks out the side (versus the back.) I'm sure those tourists are still talking about the spark show they saw!
4) RVs are bigger and go faster than wild turkeys. (It's okay, the turkey made it.)
5) It's really hard and very dangerous to slam on the brakes of something that weighs 25,000 pounds. (See # 4)
6) It's better to blog in the morning when I'm optimistic than the evening when I'm not. (See # 1)
That's it for now. We just got back from a cold but beautiful walk on one of our favorite beaches in Florence, Oregon. We're here for two days, which will allow us to repack (I forgot to mention that one, didn't I?) and regroup.