This was supposed to post along with the pictures of Animal, Bennett, and Norma ...
Late yesterday we arrived in Seattle. One of the funny and sometimes unfortunate things about our relationship to Seattle is that of the dozen times we've visited here, only two or three times has it been raining. Every other time it's been FREAKY HOT, like this time. Anyway, we are happily sweating away here in order to visit our good friends, and Lily's godfathers, Animal and Bennett, and, of course, Norma, their amazing office general. We love these guys, which is why we made Seattle our first official destination point on our trip. It's an easy place to land in order to regroup and FIX a few things. Remember the tailpipe meets the Golden Gate Bridge? Well, a day later that same tail pipe dropped to the ground, trailing every move we made. If it weren't for the Duct Tape King, who happens to love bungie cords too, we would have been in big trouble. Lucky for us we taped and strapped and hit the road. (We managed to place a Craig's List ad and by the time we reached Seattle there was a guy waiting for us at our B&B to fix it....) We've also decided to do away with the Captain's chair (sits behind the passenger seat in the RV) in order to stash our bikes... Bennett owns The Gaslight Inn, one of the most popular B&B's in Seattle and has graciously put us up in two of his units... Animal, an amazing glass blower, has helped us package the chair and get it sent back to Pacifica.
Cork and I spent two days removing the Captain’s chair and installing a Black & Decker cabinet. More storage, yea!! On our last morning in Seattle we had breakfast with Allyn and Jim and their daughter, Bailey. They have just relocated to Seattle where Allyn heads up the EPA office for the Pacific Northwest. I’ve known Allyn for close to 20 years and without planning it, Lily and Bailey ended up at the same school for a few years. I love how there are certain people that you can pick up with as if no time has passed… Animal and Bennett, Norma, Bailey, Jim and Allyn made Seattle feel like home.